Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Grid Growing Pains (Politico)

(WASHINGTON, DC) - - President Joe Biden is pushing for a net-zero emission power sector by 2035 and revamping the nation’s grid is a major priority for his massive infrastructure proposal. Greater connections across the country could help regions out of a pinch in disasters like this year’s Texas winter storm, as well as transmit renewable energy to consumers thousands of miles away.

But those build-outs are no easy lift. Prohibitive costs, notoriously long lead times and disparate priorities have hampered past efforts to upgrade networks. In other words, what developers call the "three P's": planning, permitting, and paying for it. And local communities aren’t always so keen on massive transmission projects passing through without any clear understanding of how it will benefit them.

Biden has a few tricks up his sleeve to push projects ahead, including a tax credit for transmission projects and an office at the Department of Energy dedicated to easing government approvals of new lines.