About 100 PenLight members purchased at least one of 1,850
available units last year, when the electric cooperative sought participation.
The 60-kilowatt array was installed last fall by A&R Solar of Seattle.
The project falls in line with Washington state’s renewable
energy incentive program, which will provide each participant a check annually
through 2020 based on the amount of energy produced by the system. The solar
energy is used by the Harbor History Museum, which has seen about a 30 percent
decrease in its electricity bills. The Harbor Community Solar project has been
generating power since November 2015.
PenLight is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric
cooperative. Since 1925, the utility has served the Gig Harbor and Key
peninsulas and Fox Island in western Pierce County. PenLight, a “full requirements
utility” of the Bonneville Power Administration, has grown to be the second
largest cooperative in Washington state. It serves more than 32,000 meters with
977 miles of line in 112 square miles of service territory.